
Leland V. Beasley American Legion Post 146, Loretto, TN



Our Sponsors List contains the names of the our Local Businesses, large and small, Commercial, Industrial, Educational and Non-Profit Organizations, among others.

These Sponsors unselfishly lend their support and financial assistance to enrich our Community.


Click on Sponsor's name and you will be connected to Sponsor's web page.


                                                 Augustin Lumber Co         Brown Equipment       McMasters Home Gallery    First Farmers Loretto



                               Charlie Brewer's SLIDER Fishing          Cash Saver - Loretto             Lanny Hurst Motors           Greenhill Fune


                                          Chilies Propane                        Budweiser 



                                           Loretto Telecom              Allen Brothers Diesel, Inc     Loretto Memorial Chapel             Kress Auto Parts 


Click HERE if your Business is interested in becoming a Sponsor