
Leland V. Beasley American Legion Post 146, Loretto, TN


Leland V. Beasley

American Legion Post 146


Former servicemembers met together to discuss the formation of an American Legion in the southern part of Lawrence County.  Existing at the time in southern Lawrence County was an informal community consisting of former World War I and World War II Veterans. The decision was made to organize an American Legion Post located in the city of Loretto.  When the call for interested veterans went out, it was answered by 280 prospective new members and 12 interested transfer members.  These 292 veterans made up the charter members of our organization when our Certificate of Application for a Charter was presented.  The American Legion Post #146 Loretto was Chartered on August 24, 1951.  It was decided that the post would be named in honor of PVT Leland Vincent Beasley, a Lawrence County resident, who was killed in action on the morning of December 7, 1941, while honorably serving in the US Army Air Corps with the 42nd Bombardment Squadron at Hickam Field, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. 

The charter was given under the hand and seal of the National Commander, duly attested by the National Adjutant at Headquarters in Indianapolis, Indiana on October 20th, 1952, and countersigned by the Commander and Adjutant of the Department of Tennessee in Nashville on October 30th, 1952.  The first officers of American Legion Post #146 Loretto for the 1952 year were: Commander: Mr. Henry Riddle and Adjutant: Mr. Robert M. Hemmen.  Our legion post ended the 1952 membership year with 292 members.

For the 1953 membership year, Mr. Henry Riddle once again served as Post Commander and Mr. M. E. Agard served as Post Adjutant.  They ended the 1953 membership year with 387 members.

Today, the American Legion is the largest wartime Veterans' organization with nearly 13,000 American Legion Posts worldwide.  Current national membership is over 2 million and combined with the American Legion Auxiliary and Sons of The American Legion, membership in what is known as The American Legion Family, exceeds 3 million who care about America, Veterans, their families, and our nation's youth.

Affiliated Organizations

A Women's Auxiliary of American Legion Post #146 was formed in 1953. The charter was signed by the National President and National Secretary in Indianapolis, Indiana on January 2nd, 1953, and by the Department President and Department Secretary in Nashville, TN on January 9th, 1953.  The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #146 of Loretto, TN was chartered with 46 members.  The Charter Officers in 1952-1953 were President Mrs. Louise Passarella, 1st Vice President Mrs. Marie Hobbs, 2nd Vice President Mrs. Mary Lou Augustin, Secretary/Treasurer Mrs. Grace Kress, Chaplain Mrs. Agnes Reeves, and Sergeant at Arms Mrs. Oleva Hunt.  The Seventh District President, Mrs. Charles Speed was in attendance at the first meeting to swear in our officers, and Mrs. Lena Lamprecht served as the guest speaker.  The Legion has every reason to be proud of its Auxiliary.  Auxiliary members are always anxious and willing to cooperate in every Legion activity.  

A Sons of the Legion for American Legion Post #146 was formed in 1994. The charter was signed by the National Commander and National Adjutant in Indianapolis, Indiana on April 14th, 1994, and by the Department Commander and Department Adjutant in Nashville, TN on April 25th, 1994.  The Sons of the American Legion Squadron #146 of Loretto, TN was chartered with 24 members.  The first commander of our SAL was Mr. Freeman "Junior" Wiley.  The Legion has every reason to be proud of its Sons of Legion unit, which gained statewide recognition because of its programs of service.

Patriotic Days

MEMORIAL DAY has always been an outstanding occasion in this community. In addition to memorial events throughout the Loretto community, the goal of every Veteran, to the last man, is to keep MEMORIAL DAY sacred to the memory of our war dead of all of the wars of the country; and all graves are decorated on this National Holiday.  Our Legion Family coordinates the Memorial Day Ceremonies in Loretto and hosts a complimentary open house at the post home following the ceremony. 

ARMISTICE DAY, now called VETERANS' DAY, originally marked the end of fighting in World War I. It is an important holiday on the calendar of Legionnaires everywhere and in the hearts of all Veterans. It has been in Lawrence County.  Annually, the Loretto Legion Family participates in the Veterans Day Parade. An important tradition was established when the parade established the memorial exercises to commence at 11 o'clock on the morning of November 11, marking the exact hour of the cessation of hostility on the war fronts.  Our post color guard participates in numerous ceremonies during this time in local schools and churches.

Registration Of Graves

Since its inception, American Legion Post 146 has been a leader in this community in the area of graves registration in Lawrence County. Grave Registration enables all interested parties to locate the site of the grave of each Veteran.  Each year, active members of the Loretto American Legion Family place a flag on each reported Veteran's grave.

Scholarships and Community Projects

American Legion Loretto Family of Organizations sponsors various scholarships for the further education of our children. We also sponsor and financially assist many worthy community projects and programs initiated by the National American Legion.

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